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Kids' fishing derby to be at Topeka's Central Park on August 4, 2007

Kids in the Topeka area will have a chance to go fishing and maybe win some prizes on August 4. Even if they don't catch any fish, they will receive a free "fising goodie bag" just for attending. Kids without fishing poles or bait will be furnished everything they need.

Topeka's Parks and Recreation will sponsor a free kids' fishing derby from 9 to 11 a.m. Aug. 4 at Central Park Community Center, 1534 S.W. Clay. The event is open to children 14 and younger, and prizes will be awarded for the largest and most fish in two divisions " ages 10 and younger and ages 11 to 14.

Poles and bait will be provided by the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks for those who need them. Each participant also will also receive a free "fishing goodie bag" from the department. For more information, call 785-368-3796.

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