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New documentary on Salmon issue to play at Tallgrass Film Fest in Wichita Oct. 20

Whether to Remove the Snake River Dams: Real Stories, Real Perspectives of People Impacted by this
Controversial Issue

October 17, 2007 - Sawgrass Productions, LLC has announced that "River Ways", a new documentary by filmmaker Colin
Stryker, will have its Midwest premiere at the Tallgrass Film Festival in October. The film explores the
lives of regular working people affected by the issue of whether to remove the Snake River dams in Eastern
Washington. Combining interviews with careful everyday observation, "River Ways" takes us into the
world of wheat farmers, fishermen, salmon advocates and more. What emerges is a complex portrait of an
issue that reaches to the heart of the ideological differences that characterize and divide the Pacific

Environmental groups and fishing interests criticize the dams for their negative impact on salmon, which
are both an economic resource and cultural icon for residents of the Northwest. But removal of the dams
could conceivably entail a high cost to society: in addition to the clean and inexpensive electricity
generated by the dams' turbines, the dams also support a thriving barging industry serving the rural
economies of the region. The controversy resulting from this seemingly simple proposal has been
unprecedented. Similar in scope to the spotted owl issue but a great deal more complicated, the debate pits
environmentalists, Native Americans, and fishermen against family farmers and industry advocates before
a backdrop of multi-disciplinary science and massive government bureaucracy.

Producer/director Colin Stryker has been researching, shooting, and editing "River Ways" for almost seven
years. The idea to make a film about this topic was kicked off by an article in an environmental magazine.
"I was immediately struck by the scientific, economic, and emotional complexity of the issue." says Colin,
"I knew right then and there that this would be the subject of my first feature film." Living in Los Angeles
at the time, Colin began a series of self-funded trips to the region, meeting with representatives of the
various interest groups, and developing a keen visual sense of the place and its people. Colin then moved to
Portland to begin production. Along with photographer Matt Reynolds, Colin spent a year following his
subjects not only to solicit their opinions, but to develop a sense of their real lives and the very personal
stake they hold in the issue.

"River Ways" will play at the Warren Old Town Theatre, 353 N Mead St, Wichita at 2 PM on Saturday,
October 20. Producer/director Colin Stryker will be present for post-screening discussion and Q&A.
For more information about "River Ways", visit Sawgrass Productons Website, or contact
Colin Stryker at or (503) 358-1566.

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